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Meditação Siri Gaitree
O MANTRA Siri Gaitri (ramadasa) cria um modelo para a cura a nível mental, espiritual, emocional e físico.
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Sat Kartar Meditation
Abre o teu coração para à sabedoria infinita! Sat Kartar é um mantra para libertar a necessidade de controlar a realidade para que...
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Kundalini Yoga
Guia de Kundalini Yoga para Iniciantes PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES O Que é Kundalini Yoga? Há vários tipos de Ioga e todos têm o mesmo...
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Yoga Nidra - O que é, e porque tens que experimentar-lo!
Porque escolhi Yoga Nidra, dicas para êxito!
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Life is better when you DANCE
Dancing is one of my favorite practices. It's healing, it's liberating. Dancing allows us to process energy and emotion. It's an...
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Kirtan Kriya Meditation (SaTaNaMa)
In this post, I'll share an iconic Kundalini meditation called Kirtan Kriya. BENEFITS OF KIRTAN KRIYA General sense of balance and...
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RESPIRAÇÃO YOGUI - Se quiseres sentir melhor e viver melhor, então respira melhor.
Todo mundo respira... mas poucos de nós respiramos bem. Respirar é uma das coisas mais naturais que fazemos. No entanto, estima-se que...
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This meditation is quite simple to do and offers great benefits! Try this meditation if you seek to relieve anxiety, feel calm, and...
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Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
Clear the subconscious, clear karma, and free emotional obstacles!
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Breath of Fire
If you only have 3 minutes to dedicate to pranayama, this is the breath to do!
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How to tie a turban
Your first question may be, why do we use a turban? Many of us use turbans within the traditions of Naad and Kundalni Yoga. We use the...
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The quickest way to elevate and calm the mind. (Satnam WG)
Greetings Friends! Today I’ll share a bit with you about my favorite topic – mantra ! One great way to connect to your essence is...
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Get rid of stress and be your best! (So Ham)
You have so many responsibilities and a long to do list that just never ends? You want to do it all - be the perfect employee, the...
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